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Featured Hotel Alliance was jointly initiated and established by Shanghai Hongfeng Hotel Management Consulting Co., Ltd. with a number ofcultural theme hotels.It is an industry organization that aims to guide characteristic operations, emphasize cultural differences, and promote hotels to take the path of sustainable development. Based on member hotels, the alliance conducts guidance on culture and characteristics, especially the quality improvement of core products, innovative operation and management optimization, so that memberhotels can  improve their core competitiveness continuouslyand become industry models.

Featured Hotel Alliance was established on May 30, 2011. It currently has 60 member hotels. Official website: http://www.tsjdlm.cn/




The nature of the Alliance   

Featured Hotel Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting exchanges and learning, complementing advantages, sharing various resources and other activities among member hotels, and guiding hotels to take the road of characteristic management and differentiated development .





Support and care from leaders

The leaders of the National Tourism Administration and the China Tourism Hotel Industry Association highly affirmed Featured Hotel Alliance, and praised the innovative measures took by the alliance in exploring and cultivating cultural characteristics, and building themed hotels. They also put forward requirements for Featured Hotel Alliance. It is hoped that member hotels of the alliance will complement advantages, sharing a variety of resources, improving hotel quality, enhancing market competitiveness, and contributing to accelerating cultural construction and differentiated development of the hotel industry in China.



Leaders and senior experts in the industry support and care about the establishment of  Featured Hotel Alliance.



右为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


国家旅游局监督管理司司长 李任芷于2012年9月为《中国特色酒店品析》作序


左为中国旅游饭店业协会秘书长 许京生于2020年为《海内外特色酒店案例解析》作序

右为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为上海市旅游局原局长 王乃粒于2012年9月为《中国特色酒店品析》作序

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛



右为上海市东湖(集团 )公司党委书记、董事长、总经理 朱伟东

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为中国旅游饭店业协会副会长、上勤集团党委书记、董事长 陆洋

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为上海展览中心集团党委书记、董事长 张谦

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为金陵饭店集团原党委书记、董事长  狄嘉

左为特色酒店联盟秘书长  钱三毛


右为上海市旅游饭店业原星评委主任、饭店协会监事长 黄铁民

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为全国饭店业资深专家、香格里拉酒店集团原副总裁 文志平

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


左为希尔顿酒店集团大中华区及蒙古发展原总裁 黄德利

右为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为中国旅游饭店业协会副会长、洲际酒店集团大中华区首席发展官 孙健

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


左为中国旅游饭店业协会常务理事、上海市东湖(集团)公司副总经理 曹伟



右为开元酒店集团总裁  陈妙强

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为中国旅游饭店业协会原副会长 王济明

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


左为中国旅游饭店业协会原副会长、海南省饭店业协会执行会长 张会发

右为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


左为江苏省旅游行业协会常务副会长 唐建国

中为云南省旅游行业协会会长 赵国雄

右特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


左为中国旅游饭店业协会副会长、山东省旅游行业协会会长 何庄龙

右为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为中国旅游饭店业协会会长、广州白天鹅宾馆原总经理 张添

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


左为上海旅游高等专科学校原校长 刘住

右为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛



云南海埂酒店管理有限公司原董事长 杨晓轩

右为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为四川省旅游饭店业协会会长 颜雪巍

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛


右为中国旅游饭店业协会常务理事 鲍小伟

左为特色文化主题酒店联盟秘书长 钱三毛