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Featured Hotel Alliance was jointly initiated and established by Shanghai Hongfeng Hotel Management Consulting Co., Ltd. with a number ofcultural theme hotels.It is an industry organization that aims to guide characteristic operations, emphasize cultural differences, and promote hotels to take the path of sustainable development. Based on member hotels, the alliance conducts guidance on culture and characteristics, especially the quality improvement of core products, innovative operation and management optimization, so that memberhotels can  improve their core competitiveness continuouslyand become industry models.

Featured Hotel Alliance was established on May 30, 2011. It currently has 60 member hotels. Official website: http://www.tsjdlm.cn/




The nature of the Alliance   

Featured Hotel Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting exchanges and learning, complementing advantages, sharing various resources and other activities among member hotels, and guiding hotels to take the road of characteristic management and differentiated development .